Why Do Good Girls Finish Last?

11/23/2011 23:54

"I may not be anything to you, but one day I will be something to someone."

From different relationships, I learned that I may not be much to one person but to someone else, I'm a jewel.  The saying..."One man's trash is another man's treasure." is true.  What one man don't love and cherish, someone else would.  My treasures have not been found yet and that's okay.  People don't realize how much they can affect someone and their feelings.  Everyone deal with hurt in different ways, and I chose to deal with mine by placing a wall around my heart.  Little did I know that this wall wouldn't be easy to break down.  Maybe I was in denial but when I thought my wall was coming down, I was reminded why I placed it up in the beginning.  We all have to remember, we must let go of things we cannot control.  Decisions that others made affected me in ways I should not have let have the best of me.  The best thing to do is let go and let God.  

I sometimes ask myself...why is it everything I love, I lose or Why do good girls finish last?  I have become successful in so many things but one thing I always fail in...relationships.  Should this really be considered a failure or just a roadblock until I get to the right destination?  I'm a beautiful woman, inside and out with a lot to offer any man, therefore, again, the best thing to do is let go and let God....I promise I will come out winning.