Out of Fear

12/14/2009 09:32

Sometimes as a woman, we pass by good things hoping that the situation we are in will work out. I use to think “why do I seem to attract men that I know is not for me.” I would stay in the situation hoping it will work out, hoping he would change, and hoping he would realize how much of a good woman I am. Little did I know that I can never change a man, no matter how good I was to him. He has his own mind and has to make his own decisions. I’m thankful my past relationships didn’t work out. They tore me down and I built myself back up into the woman that God would have me to be. They made me realize that I deserve better and will have the best.  I’m still growing and still learning, but I’m wiser now. There has been a time where I had passed by what some would call a “good catch.” This man has every characteristic I look for in a man. He’s smart, prosperous, goal-oriented, educated, charming, he loves the Lord, and has a heart full of love. He notices the small things and always has a way of making me smile. He would notice the change in my hair, my outfit, the bag that I’m carrying, my smile…Speaking of smile, he has one that can light any dark room. My mother use to tell me that you don’t want to get your man while God is still in the “working stage” of him, or prematurely. I would want him when he’s complete. If he’s the man for me, I strongly believe that he will come to me again and I will not let him pass me by and I will be ready to accept all he has to offer me.  To all, don't let a good man pass you by out of fear that it may work.