
04/04/2012 16:38

It's amazing how different situations you go through in life can either make you into a better and stronger person or completely crumble...


Eight years, in and out of situations...I could have crumbled but the battles were conquered and I'm still standing. I use to believe I would be married with children all before the age of 30; but God has a different plan for me. I may not have been successful in relationships but I am successful as a woman, daughter, sister, entreprenuer, and friend. One of my purposes is to touch someoneon's heart and let them know every little thing will be alright. I've been betrayed, lied to, abandoned, and hurt in ways I never thought I would; but experience is the best teacher.  We have all been hurt, but it's how you handle it and get back up when you fall. 

My mother recently told me "Everyone isn't out to hurt you." I replied..."It's so hard to believe that." After thinking about it, she was right. When I was younger, my parents had a pear tree in the back yard. When the pears grew and fell on the ground, 90% of them were bad. After eliminating all the bad pears, there was always those few that were good. Just like a pear tree, there are still a few good men.


*Something to think about...*

It's important to first love yourself before anyone else can love you.

Respect yourself. No man will give you the respect you think you deserve if you can't respect yourself.

Be patient, good things come to those who wait.

When you go through tests in life, just know you will have a testimony...Someone out there needs to hear what you have to say.

Be you...If you can't be accepted for who you are, you don't need that person(s) in your life.