
Moving On

12/09/2009 10:48

After being hurt and having a feeling of betrayal, I can finally say I have moved on. People who I would never think to hurt me, did just that and for a long time I held it all in. My mother would always tell me to just let go and let God. I would always think, how can I let go when the people who hurt me seem as if everything is okay? There's always something about a mother's love and wisdom. Letting go of the past will definately set you free. Not only will it set you free but it will open new doors for love. You will feel complete and with no extra baggage. Even going into new relationships, you can’t hold on to the hurt from the past. All you can do is pray about it and let it all go. I’m thankful for a forgiving heart, for I have learned that forgiveness is not for the person who hurt you, it’s for yourself. People will hurt and disappoint you, but never look to man…look to God.

Loving Hard

12/08/2009 07:58

As a woman, we love so hard. We love so hard to a point where we don't want to see our lover hurt, discouraged, lacking of anything, or not able to provide. With loving so hard, there's a price we pay. Sometimes in order for our lover not to be hurt, we have to take in their pain, hold back our tears, and keep our heads up. We love so hard that we don't want to see our man lacking of anything. We would rather do without and make sacrifices for our man; sacrifices that will sometimes jeopardize other relationships such as family and friends. We love so hard that we want our man to be able to provide for us. We would work harder and more hours to be the gap that our man can't fill. So yes, as a woman we love hard. I know this because I once had a love like this. I loved so hard that I jeopardized my own future and successes. Having a love like this changed my life, thoughts, and views. I now have a love for myself that no one can take away. A love that not even the strongest person can break. I have a heart that I thought was shattered but all it needed was a whisper from God saying "you are not broken." As a woman, when we love, we love hard and with all our heart. It took a while, but now I know...Before you can love any man unconditionally, you first have to love yourself.


12/03/2009 10:02

Many people think because you’re young, black, educated, and a woman, that you have a handicap.  What others may consider a handicap, I consider a blessing.  Over the past few years, more women are being known to be successful, educated, and being independent.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with this.  As a woman, if you have the opportunity to succeed and become more knowledgeable, go for it.  There are many doors of opportunity that are being opened, so why not go through it?

Being successful, young, black, and a woman is not a handicap, it’s a blessing.  Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re not capable of doing something because you can!  I was told I wasn’t capable of certain things but those very things people said I couldn’t do, I did and I consider it a blessing.  There may be people, things, or situations that will try to get in the way, but at the end, all the hard work will be worth it. So, I’m saying, if you are young, black, educated, and a woman there is nothing wrong with being successful and having your own, it is not a handicap it’s a blessing.

Immature Thinking vs Mature Thinking

11/25/2009 09:32

~Immature thinking~
Many things are unclear to the mind and heart when thinking immaturely.  Some thoughts that may come to mind while thinking this way are: Why are certain people in and out of my life, Why was I put in certain situations and why did I make this decision?  Sometimes decisions are based out of fear; from loving, prospering, or even what others may think.  There is a time to let go with your feelings, otherwise you forget the joy of discovering new things.  Immature thinking will block you from your joys and things will be unlcear.

~Mature thinking~
It takes time and patience to have mature thinking.  I see it as stages of growth.  The same thoughts that were immature are now understanding and your vision is cleared.  Going through certain situations, whether they are personal, physical, spirtual, or emotional make you into a stronger person.  
Certain people are in and out of your life because you allow them to be.  A friend once told me, "If you still have your heart, your life, your family, your friends, and your mind...the other person has nothing."  When you think like this, you have the power and no one can take that away. 

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